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Objective of this article is to emphasise importance of work of in-ventors and scientists that work on development of tools (sonars) that allows for imaging features of water space that is invisible for human senses. The article indicate extent of damage of sea-bottom environment resulting from fishing activity. This activity performed for centuries results in substantial reduction of valuable biological productivity of Batlic Sea waters. The reason was lack of means that allows for easy look into the depths. One of the tool that can be used to evaluate this activity in real time, is hydroacoustic imaging using scanning sonars and multibeam echosounders. Acoustic imaging methods were already utilized to indicate the extent of damage to bottom habitats. Particular areas of the bottom are archeological sites (wrecks) that “document” damage done by fishing and mooring activity and to study influence of this activity on sea bottom envir-onment. Results of these studies give impressive information re-garding scale of possible influence of fishing activity on sea bottom and its biological conditions as well as real reason for the “overfishing”. They also indicate importance of bottom related en-vironmental issues during current and planned extensive offshore activities such as deep sea nodule mining.
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