@misc{Karkoszka_Andrzej_World_2019, author={Karkoszka, Andrzej}, copyright={Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN}, journal={Czy świat należy urządzić inaczej. Schyłek i początek}, pages={337-351}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Warszawa: Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN,}, language={361 ss.}, abstract={War is a traditional way of solving disagreements between social groups and nations. It is linked to the basic instincts of man, incorporated in his greed, desires of domination, and hate of other religion, race, or tribe. With time it is being called the pursuance of national interests, defence of a state, preemption of possible aggression and alike. Several leading minds of the given epoch, seeing incredible absurdity of the bloody centuries-long wars, tried to fi nd out the way out of the militarism, aggressions, hatred among the nations. Many believed the ability of the rational man to build up mutually benefi cial, peaceful relation between nations and states. Following this call the international community erected several multilateral and bilateral treaties, establishing the armistice and peace among the former belligerents. None of these legal arrangements lasted, all proved to be worth only of the paper they were written on. Several international organizations were established with the ostensible task of guarding for peace. Their infl uence on the world’s stability and restraint on war-making proved to be minimal, if any. The biggest hope is invested in the existence of the European Union, which managed to built a regional zone of prosperity, democracy, respect for law and human rights, hence overcoming ages of national antagonisms. A short period after the cold-war raised hopes for a “peace dividend” and better global stability. This hope disappeared together with the growth of terrorism, mass migrations, and the quickening of the over-all technological arms race. It seems the international community is unable to fi nd the way out of the war predicament; only new global challenges – destruction of natural environment, global warming, shortage of resources and alike – may bring the revolution in human attitudes towards war and peace.}, title={World without wars – a dream or an utopia?}, URL={http://publikacje.pan.pl/Content/116690/PDF-MASTER/23Karkoszka.pdf}, keywords={war, armed conflict, interests of states, philosophy of peace, international law, European integration, peace, arms race, modernization of armaments}, }