@misc{Pawłowski_Artur_30_2019, author={Pawłowski, Artur and Pawłowski, Lucjan}, copyright={Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN}, journal={Czy świat należy urządzić inaczej. Schyłek i początek}, pages={265-276}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Warszawa: Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN,}, language={361 ss.}, abstract={In 2017, exactly 30 years have passed since the UN report ‘Our Common Future’ was printed. It is the publication that defi nes sustainable development, referring to the needs of present and future generations. How much has been achieved so far? Many problems have not been solved: the gap between rich and poor countries is widening, the threats related to globalization and terrorism are intensifying, climate anomalies are becoming more serious, a large dose of uncertainty accompanies financial markets and cultural differences between societies are also a challenge. At the same time, the very concept of sustainable development has become the central idea of modern political programs and strategies, which brings hope that a positive change will occur. The fate of all humanity is at stake.}, title={30 years of implementing sustainable development – success or failure?}, URL={http://publikacje.pan.pl/Content/116685/PDF/18Paw%C5%82owski,Paw%C5%82owski.pdf}, keywords={sustainable development, globalization, environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability}, }