@misc{Bartosik_Marek_Homo_2019, author={Bartosik, Marek}, copyright={Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN}, journal={Czy świat należy urządzić inaczej. Schyłek i początek}, pages={134-163}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Warszawa: Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN,}, language={361 ss.}, abstract={The article analyzes primary energy sources, their sufficiency and diversification on a local and global scale. Energy conditions the development possibilities of civilization. Reserves and resources of geofuels: crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium and methane hydrates were characterized. The forecast of primary energy demand on a global and local scale as well as the growing threat of energy crisis due to the use of fossil fuels and reduction of energy supplies were discussed. Threats and remedies related to the world’s energy security were described in the perspective of many generations. Preferences and stimulators in Polish energy policy for the crisis survival strategy were analyzed, including the problem of decarbonisation of the Polish power industry against the background of the European climate policy, the availability of gas sources as an effective fuel for the energy sector and the Polish nuclear energy program EJ. Selected problems of renewable energy sources RES, including the problem of the scale of interchangeability of geofuels by EJ and RES are indicated. The main areas of global and local anti-crisis activities were presented, as well as an outline of the Polish anti-crisis strategy, including the establishment of the National Energy Security Center.}, title={Homo sapiens in energetic survival school. Energy balance and related dangers}, URL={http://publikacje.pan.pl/Content/116677/PDF-MASTER/10Bartosik.pdf}, keywords={energy balance, threats, geofuels, primary energy sources, energy security}, }