@misc{Auleytner_Julian_Before_2019, author={Auleytner, Julian}, copyright={Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN}, journal={Czy świat należy urządzić inaczej. Schyłek i początek}, pages={96-115}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Warszawa: Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN,}, language={361 ss.}, abstract={The study presents the concept of chaos as a research category and discusses its peculiarities. Chaos has been illustrated by economic contrasts in international comparisons that lead to world governance disturbances. It discusses terror as a source of chaos and presents the precariat as a further threat to social order on a global scale. Some of the text refers to chaos in the natural environment. The author discussed cyberspace as a source of chaos and pointed to the importance of science as a proposal to escape from chaos.}, title={Before the Great Chaos}, URL={http://publikacje.pan.pl/Content/116675/PDF/8Auleytner.pdf}, keywords={chaos, global order disorder, terror, precariat, natural environment}, }