@misc{Auleytner_Julian_Basic_2019, author={Auleytner, Julian}, copyright={Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN}, journal={Czy świat należy urządzić inaczej. Schyłek i początek}, pages={324-336}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Warszawa: Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” przy Prezydium PAN,}, language={361 ss.}, abstract={The text critically discusses M. Szlinder’s work on unconditional guaranteed income and minimum guaranteed income. Doubts about these concepts were presented. Both concepts are not linked to the social policy system, and the author treats them as a peculiar invention for practical application. In addition, both types of income are not linked either to tradition or to a country-specific working culture. The study sets out the calculations indicating the economic utopia of the concept of guaranteed income that has not been verifi ed either in Switzerland or in Finland. The Polish experience with the introduction Programmes of 500+ for children and disabled and the Programme of 13 retirement was discussed. The conclusions indicate the need to link the income guaranteed with the new paradigm of social investment policy. It also highlights the fact that guaranteed income has its own liberal roots and confronts the common good.}, title={Basic Income Guarantee – Utopia or necessity? Or maybe an apparent subject?}, URL={http://publikacje.pan.pl/Content/116689/PDF/22Auleytner.pdf}, keywords={guaranteed income, social minimum, poverty, 500+ program, work culture}, }